First envisioned in 2022 during the G20 Indonesia and formally launched in 2023 under the G20 India, the Global Alliance for Life Economies Research and Innovation (GALERI) fosters engagement, coordination, and collaboration among governments, think tanks, academia, international organizations, philanthropy, business, civil society, and other actors to accelerate the growth of inclusive and sustainable economies. GALERI aims to create a wide space for collaborations to effectively support policymaking in G20 countries, guide global processes in developing norms, and create global public goods, particularly in research and innovation. This includes innovations in economic and development policy; advancing understanding and the practice of impact measurement and investing; responsible management and new forms of corporate governance; and alignment of blended finance, development finance, climate finance and philanthropy with the SDGs; among others, with an emphasis on collective action and community participation. Founding partners of GALERI include ADBI, AUDA/NEPAD, Development Alternatives, Fourth Sector Group, GIZ, Impact Hub Network, OECD, RIS, UNDP, and UNRISD.